Reading Community Lottery results

Draw results

Sat 08 Feb 2025
5 7 2 2 1 2

Matching numbers: You must match the first or last 2 to 6 numbers in a row to win!

Draw winners

Top prize 🏆
Depression Xpression
Ms C (Reading) supporting Depression Xpression matched 3 numbers and won £25.00
Top prize 🏆
Age UK Reading
Mrs B (Tilehurst, Reading) supporting Age UK Reading matched 3 numbers and won £25.00
Second prize
Fifi's Vision C.I.C
Miss J (Reading) supporting Fifi's Vision C.I.C matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Reading Health Inequalities
Mr W (READING) supporting Reading Health Inequalities matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Freely Fruity
Mr S (READING) supporting Freely Fruity matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Home-Start Reading
Miss S (READING) supporting Home-Start Reading matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Refugee Support Group
Ms G (READING) supporting Refugee Support Group matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Refugee Support Group
Dr R (Reading) supporting Refugee Support Group matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Mrs B (READING) supporting CommuniCare matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets
Second prize
Parents and Children Together
Mx H (READING) supporting Parents and Children Together matched 2 numbers and won 3 extra tickets